Ross (FlamingPandaOMG) (theyurityphoon)'s status on Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:49:54 UTC

  1. @awlderpy Yep. I'm kinda used to that though. As far as I can think back, that's how life always managed to turn out for me. If it wasn't them, it was girlfriend after girlfriend using me for money or treating me like crap or anything like that. I'm kinda used to it by now, but after nine months of this, it really feels like it's killing me. My parents have been providing for me, helping me whenever they can, and they can hardly afford to support themselves, all the while they're helping my sister all of the time. It's just really a mood dampener. I try not to think about it, but it's hard to do when you have all the time in the world to stew in it.

    Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:49:54 UTC from web in context