Ross (FlamingPandaOMG) (theyurityphoon)'s status on Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:44:30 UTC

  1. @awlderpy Lets just say while I was living with what's now my ex-girlfriend, my mother had a medical emergency and nearly died. She recuperated, but I attempted to transfer back to my job at the Wal-Mart here in town and help take care of her. However, because I was leaving in such a rush, my boss at the Wal-Mart where I was working when I was with my girlfriend told me just to go ahead and move, and that I would have no troubles transferring. I move back, try to transfer, and I was denied the ability to transfer back because they weren't accepting anybody new until the first of this January. This was back on the first of October. I couldn't just sit there in limbo for that long, and their medical leave you'd normally use required you to have a Wal-Mart you currently worked at, which I didn't have one then, so they terminated me from the system.

    Sunday, 16-Jun-13 07:44:30 UTC from web in context