

  1. Is hotdigittydemon a brony or a hater? Insert not sure if fry meme here

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:16:22 UTC from web
    1. @awesam15 Brony. He's said multiple times that he tries to catch every new episode.

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:16:54 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra He's been to conventions too, he's quite cool.

        Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:17:34 UTC from web
        1. @minti I wish he didn't cancel is BronyCon appearance this year. I live nearby and.I totally would've gone just to meet him.

          Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:19:14 UTC from web
      2. @zeldatra hmmmmmnnnnnnnn. Intersesting.

        Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:17:34 UTC from web