

  1. @broniedash666 Please don't link sites like that. We can't allow them on the site.

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:39:25 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada murdocks be linking porn in here? PogChamp

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:41:05 UTC from web
      1. @rarity The post said it was some PSN code generator site and I'm pretty sure those are against some law and/or EULA

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:42:47 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada oh yeah, those will like melt your computer.

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:43:37 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Wait so if something is tagged NSFW can it still not be linked?

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:41:19 UTC from web
      1. @theponymancer The NSFW link allows you to post questionable content and link to images/sites which use explicit wording and swears. Illegal/scam/porn sites are still not allowed.

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:43:51 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Hmmm. I guess that kinda makes sense.

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:44:35 UTC from web
      2. @theponymancer What other sites would say is "NSFW" we generally don't allow. (this includes but is not limited to: porn of any kind, gorey stuff, and things like those) Our NSFW tag is for... what nerthos said. Language, questionable stuff... basically actually used for /anything/ that the boss would question if he saw it on your computer.

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:45:47 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada This makes me cry internally

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:46:35 UTC from web
          1. @theponymancer Welp, sorry bout that

            Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:47:09 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada Does that mean we should label MLP videos as nsfw? Because my boss would totally question me on that one.

          Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:47:43 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal hyuk hyuk *snort* what a comedian

            Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:48:08 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada That's an odd sounding laugh you got there. Might want to go see a doctor or something about it.

              Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:50:11 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal My actual laugh is probably one of the stupidest-sounding laughs in the known universe.

                Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 07:50:59 UTC from web