

  1. Evening everyone.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:12:08 UTC from web
    1. @tenebarius Ok, wow. Your avatar.

      Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:12:36 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra A bit frightening?

        Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:21:37 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius Yeah, a little.

          Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:22:31 UTC from web
          1. @zeldatra For whatever reason I find it to be captivating. I just can't look away.

            Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:23:32 UTC from web
    2. @tenebarius hello!

      Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:14:31 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Hi!! I haven't talked to you in forever. c:

        Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:21:53 UTC from web
        1. @tenebarius yes! you've left me behind T_T !

          Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:23:38 UTC from web
          1. @mushi I'm sorry! D:

            Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:25:51 UTC from web
            1. @tenebarius never leave us again!

              Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:27:27 UTC from web
              1. @mushi I'll try not to, but life can be a real jerk sometimes.

                Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:29:02 UTC from web
            2. @tenebarius He's lying, he keeps asking me when you're going to leave.

              Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:29:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @kyosukekosaka Oh, okay. Bye then~

                Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:31:37 UTC from web
                1. @tenebarius Just doing my job.

                  Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:33:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @kyosukekosaka Beautifully planned, wonderfully executed.

                    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:36:47 UTC from web
                    1. @tenebarius I sure got you.

                      Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:38:37 UTC from StatusNet Android