

  1. !nowplaying Armin van Buuren - Communication Part 3 (John Askew Remix)

    Monday, 22-Jul-13 10:57:29 UTC from web
    1. @coffeecream he's so cute they should call him Armin van Murren

      Monday, 22-Jul-13 10:58:49 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Oh lord

        Monday, 22-Jul-13 10:59:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleansquawk I don't even remember what he looks like

          Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:00:34 UTC from web
          1. @rarity It was more the murr than the implication that he's unattractive.

            Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:02:01 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleansquawk well you know how I do

              Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:03:05 UTC from web
              1. @rarity Not as such

                Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:03:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleansquawk Borderlands.

                  Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:06:54 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity #

                    Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:07:15 UTC from Gravity Falls, OR
                  2. @rarity I thought you didn't do that anymore

                    Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:10:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @ceruleansquawk It's like riding a bicycle, m8

                      Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:11:29 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

                        Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:19:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @ceruleansquawk pretty much.

                          Monday, 22-Jul-13 11:22:20 UTC from web