

  1. Ok, question for everypony here... When you think of Ohio what image/symbol pops into your head? I am trying to figure out what would be a good cutie mark for an !ohiobronies mascot pony.

    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 19:02:44 UTC from web
    1. @darklycute Strangley enough, Michigan... I don't know why...

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 19:05:16 UTC from web
    2. @darklycute buckeyes, key tower, lake erie, river, corn, tires, rolling hills, maple trees, deer, orange barrels...

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 21:08:16 UTC from web
    3. @darklycute Well, Ohio is an agricultural state. Soooo, maybe a horseshoe with a bundle of wheat, and a corncob crossing over in the middle?

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 22:53:53 UTC from web