

  1. Why TL2 though? It's actually really good compared to the other trigger. :/

    Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:41:56 UTC from web
    1. @flamingpandaomg best triggers would be Han and Spock

      Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:42:36 UTC from web
    2. @flamingpandaomg Torchlight 1 was so easy that I didn't even bother playing 2, even though people say it's better

      Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:43:48 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos 2 is so much better. I've played 1 and it was ridiculously easy. 2's much better and a lot more difficult. Completely worth the $5 in my opinion.

        Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:44:56 UTC from web
    3. @flamingpandaomg You don't get the joke, do you

      Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:45:19 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Apparently not.

        Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:47:24 UTC from web
        1. @flamingpandaomg Some guy hates Cerulean and started making accounts on here just to try to aggravate him. He called the site "Borderlands/Torchlight 2-playing furFluffle Puffs" and told us to hashtag get yiffed, and that's where the tag comes from.

          Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:50:38 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada #

            Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:50:44 UTC from Gravity Falls, OR
            1. @welcomepony #

              Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:54:35 UTC from web
          2. @redenchilada Oh. I just assumed somebody didn't like BL2.

            Saturday, 27-Jul-13 18:51:50 UTC from web