

  1. Animation: Daring Do: the secret of XIII: Woah, where did this come from?  Hopefully you late-night crew, European/Australian/Asian/Non US timezone folks are around, because this is a full on 4 and a half minute long Daring Do animation that is amazingly well done.  They even threw some 3D effects in there.  I for one welcome our new AlStiff animation overlord. Head on down below the break to check it out! >

    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:30:03 UTC from Sethisto
    1. @eqdpony >sees that entire 3D sequence >looks at mine >quits

      Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:37:30 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra I thought you were going to point out a few bouts of lazy animation and say it could be better. Because I might've been thinking said thoughts myself

        Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:40:16 UTC from web