

  1. I've always heard Chibi is a lot easier to draw since there's not as much attention paid to the proportions, and I like the style to start with. Hmm.

    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:40:11 UTC from web
    1. I don't understand how people can animate on the computer, seems so dificult.

      Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:40:57 UTC from web
      1. @fuzzypony Well you see, we have things called Wacoms...

        Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:41:44 UTC from web
        1. @zeldatra Sounds a bit like Wack 'Ems. What are those, pray tell?

          Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:42:38 UTC from web
          1. @fuzzypony They're like having a pen and paper, except it's on the computer.

            Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:43:08 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada That's what I'd think it feels, but it feels too foreign.

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:44:24 UTC from web
            2. @redenchilada I'd love to have one that has a display on the tablet so you don't have to look at your monitor. :/

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:44:43 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg Honestly, for most people you'd be better off getting a tablet computer (as in Android tablet or something, to distinguish from the graphic tablets we're talking about) that has good stylus support. I've tried that Galaxy Tab thing at a store before and it and Photoshop Touch work pretty well for tablet drawing.

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:48:18 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada I've good things about the Galaxy Tab and a lot of Windows tablets that are good for that kind of thing. @snuggablysoft uses a Windows tablet still I think and her stuff comes out really well.

                  Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:50:00 UTC from web
                  1. @flamingpandaomg or however you spell her handle #

                    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:50:17 UTC from web
                  2. @flamingpandaomg Just make sure you have proper pressure sensitivity support in whatever you get. It actually does make a difference (I even turn that option on in Flash sometimes!)

                    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:52:02 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada Oh yeah it's necessary. I'd love to get something to let me art better digitally but I simply have no money. I used to have a junky like $60 tablet with 3" or so of drawing space and it was a nightmare.

                      Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:53:50 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg What the heck kind of ripoff tablet did you get?? Wacom Bamboos are maybe $20 more than that

                        Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:55:08 UTC from web
                    2. @redenchilada I used to never use pressure sensitivity, but now I use sensitivity with the second smallest brush while having the stage size set to "show frame", and I just love the way my lines look now.

                      Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:54:21 UTC from web
                2. @redenchilada @flamingpandaomg Ugh. Ew. That's disgusting

                  Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:51:24 UTC from web
          2. @fuzzypony Entry-line art tablets for your computer that let you draw in a much easier fashion. It's how a lot of people do their digital art.

            Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:43:15 UTC from web
            1. @flamingpandaomg "Entry-line" pffftHAHAHAHA

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:43:45 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada They ARE entry line though. I'm not considering the Potato Knishesty $40 tablets with like 2" of drawing space.

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:45:08 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg The Bamboo line, maybe. The Intuos and especially Cintiqs aren't

                  Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:45:55 UTC from web
            2. @flamingpandaomg Dude, the Cintiq is a real high-end tablet setup

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:44:25 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada I was mainly talking about the Bamboo line, so that's my bad.

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:45:28 UTC from web
              2. @redenchilada Anytime anyone ever mentions Wacom brand I immediately think of the Bamboo line, so I tend to forget about the other higher end lines Wacom offers. That's a mistake on my part. My apologies.

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:47:09 UTC from web
            3. @zeldatra They all have those accents don't they? Hahaha, weird.

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:45:00 UTC from web
            4. @flamingpandaomg How so easier?

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:45:21 UTC from web
              1. @fuzzypony You can draw directly into an art program and do everything there instead of drawing with pen and pencil, scanning it in, doing the line art and then coloring.

                Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:46:04 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg Oh, well that seems a bit easier.

                  Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:46:43 UTC from web
          3. @fuzzypony Wacom is a brand of graphics tablet that you plug into your computer and can draw on it like paper. It comes in three tiers: the beginning tier which consists of the very basic Bamboo line, the average tier which consists of the more advanced Intuos line, and the pro tier which consists of the Cintiq line, which is basically like a second monitor that you draw on.

            Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:46:11 UTC from web
            1. @zeldatra When you put it that way, it seems easier, but still really foreign. Thanks for taking time to explain though.

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:48:18 UTC from web
      2. @fuzzypony flash is easy everything else makes my head hurt

        Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:41:45 UTC from web
        1. @dashcraft Seems real odd and akward to me.

          Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:42:06 UTC from web
          1. @fuzzypony Flash is super easy. Blender and Maya CAN be easy if you're willing to follow the tutorials filmed by dudes with weird accents.

            Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:43:25 UTC from web
            1. @zeldatra EVERY TIME IT'S SOMEONE FROM LIKE SWEDEN.

              Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 04:44:07 UTC from web