!twitchfaces The userscript has been updated. Please update your copies. ThatOneSleeper
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:26:31 UTC from web-
@redenchilada did u just
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:27:17 UTC from web-
@rarity I did
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:27:59 UTC from web-
@redenchilada ThatOneSleeper wow
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:28:37 UTC from web-
@rarity When you get Twitch famous and start earning the twitchbux please make that one of your sub emoticons
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:30:52 UTC from web-
@redenchilada like that will happen
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:32:05 UTC from web-
@rarity I know you can do it Nico
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:32:53 UTC from web-
@redenchilada no, I know I will be famous, I meant I will never make that a sub face
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:33:43 UTC from web-
@rarity You're the worst friend
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:34:23 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I don't want his face on my stream is all
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:35:49 UTC from web
@redenchilada Finally I know how you guys have been getting the proper faces. I've done so many Google searches
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:33:59 UTC from web-
@scoot You could have asked.
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:35:03 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I didn't want to look dumb
Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 09:35:31 UTC from web