

  1. May I remine someponies, the mods may be asleap. But the PG-13 still applies, not said in the show don't say it here. This includes your images. Now have a dashpie.

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:50:22 UTC from web
    1. @mrdragon If only I were a mod... Oh well, a pony can dream.

      Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:51:46 UTC from web
    2. @derpy I enjoyed that fanfic a lot.

      Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:51:50 UTC from web
    3. @mrdragon I'm fairly sure that rule was dropped a long while ago.

      Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:52:39 UTC from web
      1. @starshine Somepony said they were dropping it in place of a word filter, but I ain't seen a world filter yet so I am guessing it's still in place. Idk, I can never catch a mod to really ask. And even if I did I don't think they know either.

        Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:53:36 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon @loak and myself are both mods. For the record I think a wordfilter is childish, not to mention impossible to implement properly (and more impossible to apply to images). Though considering the rest of the fandom (the *chans, EqD, ponibooru, etc.) I think such a rule is silly in the first place. Ponychan's rules are pretty sensible, I think. Not that I approve of people throwing around obscenities every ten words, but I just don't really care, and deleting posts for something silly like that inhibits normal conversation and doesn't help anything.

          Saturday, 06-Aug-11 00:03:52 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 No. That sort of thing definitely not allowed here, and if it ever is, I will leave and not look back.

      Saturday, 06-Aug-11 00:05:38 UTC from web