

  1. Were you ever so angry, you punched a question mark? #

    Monday, 26-Aug-13 00:48:13 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos "I need answers, damn it!!" "Y-you're looking for exclamation point!"

      Monday, 26-Aug-13 00:49:53 UTC from web
    2. @nerthos Whoa, is that the Saints Row Church in the background? Like, the original one?

      Monday, 26-Aug-13 00:58:12 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra Nope. That's just an apartment in Steelport.

        Monday, 26-Aug-13 00:59:04 UTC from web
      2. @zeldatra No, there's only a few mentions of Stillwater. A hoodie, and "Stillwater, birthplace of the president becomes number one touristic destination" in the news. King's in the game, though. Also SR2 Shaundi shows up as far as I know.

        Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:05:44 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos I'd really like to see a SR game go back to Stillwater.

          Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:13:49 UTC from web
          1. @zeldatra I would too. Steelport is cool but it has too much of a NY vibe. And I'm not a big fan of ultra-metropolis.

            Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:16:44 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos Although, the pattern seems to have been a particular town for two games, then a new one for the third. Maybe Saints Row V (I assume they'll make one, Volition doesn't seem intent on stopping any time soon) will have a new city or something.

              Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:19:10 UTC from web
              1. @zeldatra In the case of SR2 and SRIV, the town has undergone major changes after the events of the previous game.

                Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:20:04 UTC from web
              2. @zeldatra Maybe. I hope it's a bit more rural or at least varied than SR3 and SR4. Like how GTA:SA was the best in terms of ambientation due to having varied landscapes, Saints Row could benefit from having a "city" with diferentiated zones.

                Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:22:25 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos Ooh, that would be fun. Honestly though, I'm looking more forward to GTA V than any Saints Row game at the moment. They're bringing back a lot of the old features from GTA:SA, and the multiplayer looks awesome. (Although I'm guessing I'll be spending a lot of time angrily swearing at ten year olds from Korea.)

                  Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:26:17 UTC from web
                  1. @zeldatra I'm neutral towards GTAV. Whilst Saints Row changed a lot from game to game, all the ones I've played so far are fun. GTA was steady on the road of greatness, GTA2, 3, Vice City and San Andreas were great, but then they decided to f*** everything up with changes for GTAIV, so I don't have much trust in them anymore.

                    Monday, 26-Aug-13 01:38:13 UTC from web