

  1. Thanks for showing me around the site and been my guide redenchilada and thank you to everypony for giving me some info on how to use this site. It is not the same like UoE.

    Sunday, 15-Sep-13 20:21:25 UTC from web
    1. @aleister yea, its totally different from UKofE. Welcome aboard.

      Sunday, 15-Sep-13 20:22:22 UTC from web
    2. @aleister Never will like UKofE again. They stole all our meetups traffic.

      Sunday, 15-Sep-13 20:23:28 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon I'm pretty sure that the main driver of the meetup traffic was that you needed to have a meetup group on here to get on the map originally.

        Sunday, 15-Sep-13 20:27:26 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark That and we at the time were the only real ones around, but these days there's at least multiple of one thing.

          Sunday, 15-Sep-13 21:03:24 UTC from web