

  1. Damn it @mastertdi this is not okay

    Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:48:01 UTC from web
    1. @flaxx It was for a good cause

      Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:48:23 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi Explain.

        Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:48:41 UTC from web
        1. @flaxx It was for the lulz

          Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:49:08 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi Okay I guess you may be forgiven this time. But all I see when I go to my Replies page is you talking about me when I'm not around. You gotta get yourself a hobby, man.

            Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:51:57 UTC from web
            1. @flaxx There's probably more if you text search your name

              Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:53:06 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi I'm not sure I want to

                Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:55:55 UTC from web
                1. @flaxx It's nothin bad

                  Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:56:20 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi I think I'll pass, regardless.

                    Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:58:28 UTC from web
                    1. @flaxx You don't know what you're missing

                      Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:59:24 UTC from web
                      1. @mastertdi And I'd love to keep it that way

                        Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:00:12 UTC from web
            2. @flaxx oh, the chairman

              Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:54:19 UTC from web
              1. @mushi Oh, the mushman

                Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:56:01 UTC from web
            3. @flaxx But we love you so~

              Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:57:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @scribus I love you guys too, I just rarely see you guys so I don't get a lot of chances to ensure you are aware of that

                Saturday, 12-Oct-13 21:59:07 UTC from web