

  1. Listen the fact that you can say a Pokemons name to it and it will react to you happily in Pokemon Amie makes me incomprehensibly angry

    Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:12:33 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark Why, because some people are functional mutes ?

      Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:13:54 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker No because adorable things make me angry

        Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:14:47 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark If I were you I would die from my own adorableness :o It is a good thing I am not you

          Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:16:59 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark You get angry looking in the mirror then :P

          Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:19:30 UTC from web
        3. @ceruleanspark

          Sunday, 13-Oct-13 11:19:45 UTC from web