

  1. Hello guys :) I just wanted to tell you a joke(everybody who has witnessed my discussion yesterday/earlier today, probably knows what I'm talking about) before leaving again: "What's the difference between bird-flu and swine flu? If you have bird-flu you need tweetment, if you have swine-flu you need oink-ment" Have a nice day everyone :) #

    Monday, 28-Oct-13 13:11:08 UTC from web
    1. @dyshviccer lolwat

      Monday, 28-Oct-13 13:11:39 UTC from web
      1. @mushi prepare for more crappy jokes... *evil laugh*

        Monday, 28-Oct-13 13:13:51 UTC from web
    2. @dyshviccer awesome.

      Monday, 28-Oct-13 13:19:11 UTC from web