

  1. Espurr~?

    Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:35:15 UTC from web
    1. @daydream espurrrrrrr

      Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:35:29 UTC from web
    2. @daydream Welcome to RDN. This is RDN. Welcome. This is RDN. Welcome to RDN. You can do anything at RDN. Anything at all. The only limit is yourself. Welcome to RDN. Welcome... to RDN. This is RDN. Welcome to RDN! This is RDN - welcome! Yes, this is RDN. This is RDN, and welcome to you who have come to RDN! Anything is possible... at RDN. You can do anything at RDN! The infinite is possible at RDN! The unattainable is unknown at RDN! Welcome to RDN! This is RDN! Welcome to RDN. Welcome. This is RDN. Welcome to RDN! Welcome... RDN...

      Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:35:34 UTC from Gravity Falls, OR
      1. @welcomepony What the poop is this

        Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:38:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @welcomepony oh god what have we done

        Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:42:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @daydream Welcome to RDN, where everything is on the level of awesome and above. Enjoy your stay.

      Friday, 01-Nov-13 17:40:22 UTC from web