

  1. I was going change RDN's tagline to "Still a better community than League of Legends"

    Sunday, 03-Nov-13 17:29:05 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark "was" :<

      Sunday, 03-Nov-13 17:29:52 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark To be fair the only game community I've seen that doesn't consist of stupid kids and stupid grownups fighting with eachother and throwing insults around like candy on halloween is GW2

      Sunday, 03-Nov-13 17:31:42 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark You said that like League of Legends is a community. Well, perhaps they are in some languages, in some other languages you'd come closer with "people who share a simmilar hatret with one and another, with peaks of elitism in between" ... Can some languages say that in 1 word. Sure they can "Vlodderaars" come to mind.

      Sunday, 03-Nov-13 17:32:25 UTC from web