

  1. My brain is dumb today. I just wondered for 2 minutes why 'z' and 'y' is switched on my keyboard. Then I've seen that my localization settings for the keyboard has switched. #

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:35:20 UTC from Choqok
    1. @broniebrown I love the look on someone's face when they try to use my keyboard and have no idea it's on Dvorak.

      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:36:52 UTC from web
      1. @scribus I quite know the feeling. Some friends use dvorak for years. Once I typed on their laptops with misearable results. But more often they used my laptop to quickly search for something on google. They are always confused as hell. I for one has tried dvorak for a short time but haven't got used to.

        Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:40:22 UTC from Choqok
        1. @broniebrown It takes a week or two to feel like it's useful, and you'll want to keep a printout of the layout handy (since you can't look at the keys any more).

          Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:42:54 UTC from web
          1. @scribus unless you happen to have a laptop, in which case it's very easy to rearrange the keys! That's what I did.

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:43:26 UTC from web
            1. @starshine I've considered it, but now I'm back up to speed so it doesn't bother me. Maybe I'll do it for the "benefit" of others, sometime.

              Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:44:23 UTC from web
              1. @scribus Can you switch layouts mid-sentence?

                Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:44:52 UTC from web
                1. @starshine Do you mean, can I switch how I type, or change what the input method is? Answers would be "not really," and "probably, but I haven't enabled it."

                  Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:46:06 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus Also, can you type your passwords correctly in both layouts? That was the biggest problem I had with Dvorak, because I learn passwords mostly by feel.

                    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:48:20 UTC from web
                    1. @starshine Yes, I can, most of the time. Like you said, it's mostly feel, but at the worst I just have to "fake it" and pay attention to what keys I'd be hitting.

                      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:51:13 UTC from web
          2. @scribus I'll stick to QWERTZ. I took typewriting classes. I'm used to the layout. I can type blindly. That's all need (and I'm too lazy to learn a new layout now).

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:49:50 UTC from Choqok
            1. @broniebrown Blind AND Drunk, while staring at the ceiling. Good times... good times.

              Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:51:06 UTC from web
            2. @broniebrown Fair enough. No reason to if you don't want to.

              Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:51:59 UTC from web
              1. @scribus Dvorak has a really nifty concept behind the layout. I really would see keyboard manifacturers to switch to other layouts. I know that you can type anyways but I hate stickers on the keyboard.

                Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:55:45 UTC from Choqok
                1. @broniebrown Yeah, but before they'll switch, they have to be convinced that there's a market, and as long as Dvorakists (is that even a term? It should be) are willing to switch their own keys or just touch-type, there just won't be.

                  Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:57:43 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus I know of a friend of mine who uses the NEO2 layout that they gathered enough people to convince one small manifacturer to produce a small series of NEO2 keyboards. I don't know the name of this.

                    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:02:36 UTC from Choqok
                    1. @broniebrown That's intense.

                      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:04:49 UTC from web
        2. @broniebrown @scribus Ya... the localized point of excellence effect. A good typist on a Dvorak key is much faster than one a good one on a QUERTY, but a bad Dvorak typist is slow. So, if you're like me an 100 wpm on QUERTY, you don't want to drop down even if you'll eventually be 20% coo... faster. Plus, even once you do, the rest of the world is still derped and you'll have hell when you aren't using your own machine.

          Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:48:24 UTC from web
          1. @artrageous I was at 75 on QWERTY, just recently tested & found I was finally back after about 9 months or so. And now beginning to push past it into the 80s. But, yeah, it's a serious sacrifice, and heavy-duty frustration.

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:49:53 UTC from web
          2. @artrageous The last time I stopped time the result was about 200 key pressures per minute.

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 21:51:36 UTC from Choqok