

  1. I'm going to bed. My grapes is hurting from this crapy chair and I wasted my night typing here instead of on my story. Don't do anything cool for a week until I come back, okay?

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:07:04 UTC from web
    1. @daisymare I will do loads of cool things

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:08:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @daisymare Ok, we'll do all the cool stuff while you're away.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:08:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @daisymare I'll hit the big pause button on RDN, just for you.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:09:48 UTC from web
    4. @daisymare Gnite.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:10:18 UTC from web