flyingdash subscriptions

These are the people whose notices flyingdash listens to.

  • derps derps
  • Sir E. Hooves III eaglehooves Sir E. Hooves III Cleveland, Ohio

    Just as a clarification, the name (if I'm not using a gag one) is a reference to my time with the BSA. Three big interests (excluding ponies) are cars, computers, and scouting, and the last one means the most to me (There's a very long, personal, story there) (plus the fleur-de-leis looks nice). For the people linked here, the '/signature' is pretty much my universal signature for texts and emails, and the one thing that my pony and non-pony accounts have in common across the web. Other than that, I'm your average pegasus from the suburbs. Also, I finally got a dedicated e-mail: eaglehooves (at) gmail, a dedicated pony Skype: eagle.hooves, and am on Steam as "Lord Elusive"

  • aoiwejofiwe aoiwejofiwe
  • Jeremy currykatsu Jeremy Arcadia, CA

    Hey There everypony! Nice to meet u! about me: I'm a SoCal brony, Alum of USC (Fight On!) and of the University of Central Florida, where I went for grad school. anime and cartoon fan, and indie game designer (like Dashie says, livin' the dream!). I'm a geek of all trades and enjoy hanging out and having fun. Nice to meet everypony! always in the mood to chat about ponies! currykatsu on AIM and steam currykatsu86 on gchat

  • Heidi Rae Hosmer princessgryph Heidi Rae Hosmer Orlando, FL

    Custom pony maker, toy salesperson, writer, Twilight fanatic

  • Richie Harper cloudy Richie Harper Kissimmee, FL


  • Administrator Pony administrator Administrator Pony

    I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken.