Frobenius's home timeline


  1. ♫Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!♫ Happy Birthday Dear Cabal! ♫ Happy Birthday to me! ♫♫♫

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:24:06 UTC from web
  2. Oh Hey everypony! If you have been following my work on, a new chapter in The Border is now available for you to read!:

    Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:04:38 UTC from web
  3. Oh, and My Birthday is on February 10th this sunday! Cheers!

    Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:05:05 UTC from web
    • I have a 743:1052 response to post ratio. @ceruleanspark has a 1547:1506 ratio. I wonder who gets the most attention on RDN per dash. My guess is maybe Cerulean.

      Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 19:11:31 UTC from web
    • I'm planning to make a youtube channel for my music now. I wanted to know what you guys thought about the username "Trissy" for it? It's based on a mispronunciation of my regular username, and I wanted to make my music username different from my main one.

      Saturday, 02-Feb-13 15:27:06 UTC from web
      • I'd love it if I could get some comments and such on this piece. I struggled with finishing it for a while, and it's still not as long as I'd want it, but I'm actually somewhat proud of it despite.

        Saturday, 02-Feb-13 15:15:52 UTC from web
        • Hey... I'm Fluttershy. I saw this site and made an account. I hope you don't mind...

          Tuesday, 05-Apr-11 01:06:59 UTC from web
        • Its freezing on the east coast!

          Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 17:05:57 UTC from web
        • aww... i still can't sleep.. and now i'm hungry! :(

          Thursday, 17-Jan-13 04:01:43 UTC from web
        • Maybe i should try counting # ?

          Thursday, 17-Jan-13 03:55:38 UTC from web
        • ... i can't sleep!

          Thursday, 17-Jan-13 03:48:28 UTC from web
        • I'm thinking about start posting on a pony-related chan again! Is there any other chans besides ponychan?

          Wednesday, 16-Jan-13 04:32:27 UTC from web
        • Good morning everypony! ♥

          Tuesday, 15-Jan-13 14:28:18 UTC from web
        • ooww.... my tongue hurts...

          Monday, 14-Jan-13 23:09:57 UTC from web

          Monday, 14-Jan-13 22:50:24 UTC from web
          • uuuh... there's snow outside... and i'm having urges.. that involves my tongue.. and roadsigns....

            Monday, 14-Jan-13 22:42:04 UTC from web
          • @vt3c awesome!

            Monday, 14-Jan-13 22:30:08 UTC from web
          • @vt3c aye aye sir! ♥

            Monday, 14-Jan-13 22:08:14 UTC from web
          • Aww... why can't the unicorns on Terraria be friendly? :(

            Monday, 14-Jan-13 18:01:42 UTC from web
          • Hello there everypony! ♥

            Monday, 14-Jan-13 17:59:03 UTC from web
          • Ooh! My ClaDun x2 copy has just been activated! Time for pixelized ponies! ♥

            Sunday, 13-Jan-13 13:14:19 UTC from web
            • How's everypony doing today? :)

              Sunday, 13-Jan-13 12:59:25 UTC from web
            • I wish a good morning to all my favorite bronies! ♥

              Sunday, 13-Jan-13 12:51:06 UTC from web
            • Actually scratch that I'm gonna play Pokemon

              Sunday, 13-Jan-13 02:06:33 UTC from web
            • @vt3c but that's not RPG!

              Sunday, 13-Jan-13 02:05:38 UTC from web
            • @eaglehooves aye sir!

              Saturday, 12-Jan-13 23:50:39 UTC from web
              • @vt3c Humans are like moving # factories! And that's why i love'em! ♥ Oh! and the internet has lots of pictures of # too! it's absolutely wonderful!

                Saturday, 12-Jan-13 23:47:36 UTC from web
              • Hello Everypony! Wazup :3

                Saturday, 12-Jan-13 23:39:41 UTC from web