Group actions

!broniesuk buk puk
United Kingdom to the Bronies UK Network's RD Net group! Here'll will post quick links to epic pony related news and content and keep you up to date during events.
Post to our stream with !buk
Bronies UK (broniesuk) group
!manechesterbronies !broniesuk The Second MMM! 40+ confirmed! Hope you all can make it! Sunday 10th, meet at Picadilly Station at 11:15 ~ 12:30!
Friday, 25-Jan-13 03:10:49 UTC from web -
Anypony coming Galacon next year? !yorkshirebronies !manechesterbronies !broniesuk
Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 19:23:17 UTC from web -
!broniesuk Help out a brony who is raising money for his friend, also a brony, whom suffers from Irlen Syndrome! Spread the word, even donate if you want!
Friday, 02-Nov-12 16:46:28 UTC from web -
!broniesuk Currently on the train to London! MCM tomorrow! Hope those who went today are enjoying yourselves!
Friday, 26-Oct-12 15:10:03 UTC from web -
!broniesuk Anypony attending London MCM this weekend?
Thursday, 25-Oct-12 06:00:22 UTC from web -
Thursday, 13-Sep-12 18:37:51 UTC from web
!puk !bronyukcon !yorkshire Countdown to BUCK 2013!
Monday, 27-Aug-12 12:41:46 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Sigh~ lol it took like a second to make that site! And I'll play the video games later!
@anthonyrothstein You know what site you COULD be staring at instead?
@redenchilada that site is beautiful!
!broniesuk So me and some buds are planning a minimeet for Sunday! in London probably at the same pub in Victoria we all went to after the party in the park! If you're interested in coming hit me up a reply :D We'll be getting a UKofE post sorted tomorrow.
Monday, 16-Jul-12 22:03:30 UTC from web-
@anthonyrothstein I might be up for this. You mean the Whetherspoons right? I got chucked out of there at the PitP meet because I didn't have ID D: Won't happen again that's for sure!
@ecmc I indeed do! :D will be a good laugh. hope to see you there!
@ecmc Here's the UK of E thread with more details about sunday ^^
!broniesuk !yorkshirebronies Who's attending the Manchester MCM Comic Con on the 21st?
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 17:13:18 UTC from web-
@marsh :D greatness /)*(\
@lightninglionheart YUS ^_^ /)*(\
@lightninglionheart dannng! any chance you'll make it?
!broniesuk what's everyponies plans for BUCK?
Friday, 06-Jul-12 18:20:09 UTC from web -
!bronyukcon !broniesuk I've been working pretty hard tonight! Made a travel guide for BUCK!
Thursday, 05-Jul-12 23:59:10 UTC from web -
!broniesuk I decided to give a little personal insight on the season 3 bingo!
Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 01:30:19 UTC from web -
!broniesuk if anypony is wondering who the grey pony with colourful hair is on our button down there, that's the Pony+ Pony! She was made by and the vector by
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 21:27:37 UTC from web -
!broniesuk This has beaten Twitter in AWESOMENESS!!!!
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 21:23:26 UTC from web-
@beatsperpony indeed it has ^^
!broniesuk Welcome our head honcho Wez @beatsperpony to RDNet everypony ^^
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 21:01:25 UTC from web -
!broniesuk Hello! We're Bronies UK! You've probably seen us on Facebook, G+ or Ponysquare. We'll be using the RD Network to keep you up to date during various bronie events!
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 13:16:54 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark okdokies! we'll try and get them done for tonight!
@anthonyrothstein How many are there behind your account?
!puk I met Saturn on Sunday, got some good information about BUCK!
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 13:30:53 UTC from web -
!puk todated a few things to make the group cooler!
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 13:02:49 UTC from web-
@mrdragon I've been pretty good at keeping clear of the pathetic drama that goes on over at G+ lol
@anthonyrothstein I do too now, I just don't go on it, last time I posted anything was 11 days ago.
@mrdragon makes me glad I never cared about filling my brony circle with thousands of people—less stupid for me to scroll past and ignore @_@
!ppuk apologies that was meant to be an "if" not "of"
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 01:49:31 UTC from web -
!ppuk of you haven't clocked on.. This is so I can spam you all while drunk! :trollface:
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 01:48:32 UTC from web -
!ppuk Just testing the other names out! hope it works
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 00:55:25 UTC from web -
!ponyplusuk Hello fellow Pony+ ponies! I'll be using RDNet to post short messages while at various events seeing as el goog still haven't got their asses into gear and added page management to the mobile app! Don't worry I'll still be doing bigger write ups of events when I get home ^^;
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 00:54:10 UTC from web