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Sonic the Hedgehog Fans

Sonic the Hedgehog Fans

!sonic gottagofast sanic

For Sonic the Hedgehog fans who happen to be fans of My Little Pony as well. Long live the blue blur! (But were we talking about Sonic or Rainbow Dash?)

Sonic the Hedgehog Fans (sonic) group, page 7


  1. .@RavenWorks linked a game called Crystal Towers 2. It has a fun !Sonic/MegaMan/JazzJackrabbit/Mario vibe. Try it! !vgp

    Saturday, 11-Jun-11 21:05:24 UTC from Gwibber
    • @Ravenworks of Twitter linked a game called Crystal Towers 2. It's got a neat !Sonic/MegaMan/Mario vibe. Try it! !vgp

      Saturday, 11-Jun-11 21:03:30 UTC from Gwibber
      • RD: @JimSterling If you're a fan of Jim Sterling, you should watch the Sonic Party.… And now Jim will retweet this.!/JimSterling/statuses/78982093220225024 !sonic !vg #

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 00:40:05 UTC from web
        • !Sonic someone stitched together a bunch of clips from Sonic Generations to show off the whole Green Hill Zone level.

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 16:33:47 UTC from web
        • "Chili and chocolate flavored cupcakes." The heck? Okay, i can see this being !Sonic the Hedgehog's favorite cupcake flavor, but Celestia? I guess it does add a nuance to her character...

          Monday, 25-Apr-11 17:56:26 UTC from web
        • I must be mad; i'm actually contemplating writing a !Sonic / MLP:FIM crossover fanfic. Thoughts? 0.o

          Thursday, 21-Apr-11 14:27:12 UTC from web
        • Has there been any word on who's doing the music for !sonic generations¿ Cause really really miss crush 40.

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 01:21:53 UTC from web
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          • @libbylishly Vela-Nova is probably my favorite stage song (although bad taste aquarium and escape from the city are both great), live and learn is unquestionably the best main theme, although my favorite crush 40 song is (blasphemously) their cover of fire woman. And while it's not my favorite, I thought the sonic and the secret rings soundtrack was very underrated, not as good as the adventure games, but better than most stuff nowadays. How recently have these rainbow dash PMVs popped up¿ Cause I remember searching for some not too long ago, only came up with one set to the sonic boom OC remix and one loop set to escape from the city. (Sorry about my horrible timing, con-law homework is a very demanding mistress)

            Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 02:16:37 UTC in context
          • @crimefighter Yeah, Escape from the City is one of my favorites, as is Knight of the Wind (actually, i loved almost that entire soundtrack). I'll look up the Secret Rings soundtrack. I did really enjoy the Sonic Colors soundtrack, though it had a totally different flavor. (And yes... i understand about homework!!! I should be studying business law right now!)

            Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 16:15:58 UTC in context
          • @libbylishly I actually haven't played colors (It's the only main game I haven't played and 5th/6th total (counting both the DS and Wii versions)) but I did like the main theme.

            Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 22:48:23 UTC in context
        • !VGP Anyone else interested in the new Sonic Generations news? I think it's got a lot of potential, *knock on wood*, but it's going to be trapped by essentially being two entirely different games games duct-taped together.

          Monday, 18-Apr-11 18:47:16 UTC from web
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          • @zarkanorf !vgp After seeing a little bit of gameplay, I'm relatively sure it's going to be as close as Sega can get to pleasing all the Sonic fans since it hits 2D gameplay and 3D gameplay together, and gives a perfectly good excuse to play with a lot of people's nostalgia. (I really want to see their take on a 2D Emerald Coast or Twinkle Park because I remember a fangame that did TP in 2D that I loved.) But since the two sides of the game are going to be in the same package, a lot of people are going to feel like they *have* to play the whole thing to get their money's worth. This'll end with Sonic Adventure / Unleashed / Colors fans at more at odds with the 2D portions, and long-time fans who preferred the classic gameplay having some issues with having to play the 3D segments to complete it. (And it's a Sonic game. There will be a hidden level/mode/SUPERSAIYAN for beating everything.) It will sell well. But if it ends up a bad game that many people buy... Could get nasty.

            Monday, 18-Apr-11 19:29:02 UTC in context
          • @retl Agree with your summary on the new !Sonic game. It looks like Sega might be shooting themselves in the foot by trying to please the retro crowd AND the newcomer gamers. Still, i think there's hope, if the controls aren't as wonky as they usually are in sonic games. Keeping our fingers crossed... !vgp

            Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 16:36:39 UTC in context
          • @libbylishly *Starts crossing fingers* !vgp !sonic

            Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:46:26 UTC in context
        • Starting to get geeked about the new !Sonic Generations game coming up. It actually looks like Sega could have a winner to follow up its success with Sonic Colors. ((insert shocked expression here...))

          Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 14:06:51 UTC from web
          • !Sonic oh awesome a Sonic group! OCRemix just released their Sonic 1 album:Sound of Speed for anyone interested, go check it out! :)

            Friday, 15-Apr-11 19:45:42 UTC from web
            • That does it. !Sonic group created. XD

              Friday, 15-Apr-11 19:38:52 UTC from web