Replies to jimbo

  1. @jimbo I am sniffing the hell out of them, because I want to be high on ponies.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 08:47:15 UTC from web in context
  2. @scribus I'm glad I met another fellow RDN-er! This meetup was a total frikkin blast! @jimbo I can't believe you actually read my chicken-scratch...and that I lost by 1/6th of a point.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 08:26:16 UTC from web in context
  3. I have been awake for almost 28 hours. I need to get ready for work in about 3 hours. The !SoCal and !LAbronies meetup was entirely worth it. :D Good to meet you, @gangstashy! Sorry about my penmanship, @jimbo. And now, I see if I can both fall asleep and wake up in time for work tonight.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 01:50:15 UTC from web in context
  4. @jimbo well thanks! And yeah on my deviant art you can see I've been working on just simple hair styling, and clay charms, but at some point I may get sucked into the epic world of customizing. I really just like making my Brushables show accurate, but we'll see, I say one thing, and end up somewhere else.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 09:10:05 UTC from web in context
  5. @jimbo :) I think I already a fan of you from what I've read, so please add me and let us be great open minded Brony-buddies ! There is a lot of size acceptance and size crusading on my tumblr (well one of my tumblrs) so I felt I needed to lend my support to your rant/ rehash.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 08:55:21 UTC from web in context
  6. @jimbo eye roll... marginalization of half of humanity and/or anyone different than the "norm" seems to be beyond what normal mods can deal with in an effective and tolerant manner. Ponies, like regular people, often seem unable to grasp their own bias. On the other hoof, some seem to revel in their misconceptions and and prejudices. I could also rant about fat prejudice forever, but I think I'm beating an ill pony at this point.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 08:29:31 UTC from web in context
  7. @jimbo :O

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 08:26:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  8. @jimbo It is a right... freedom of speech after all. It may not be good manners, but they have the right to do so.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 08:19:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  9. @jimbo haha stuff like "well, you can CATCH the fat, by being close to fat people!!" is just so outrageous that it'll make everyone laugh, which is not the point of trolling. As for bigotry, I honestly feel that it is a problem for those who get offended by it more so than the people that say it. After all they are just words. If no one was offended by bigot remarks there would be no point to saying them ;D

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 08:11:12 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  10. @jimbo Eh no offense taken. I assume everyone online is a boy unless proven otherwise. I am a tomboy and I don't like boys romantically, so I usually just hang out with guys and judge women too. As for being offensive, I am a troll after all. My way of trolling is just different than Carcino's ;P

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:59:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  11. @jimbo I'm not a he >.>

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:50:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  12. @jimbo I mean, I hope he realises how that might have upset you. It is possible he didn't mean it in a bad way, but still, he probably didn't realise how uncomfortable such a comment can make somepony.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:41:17 UTC from web in context
  13. @jimbo What's the big deal? Who doesn't like compliments? I like when people compliment me :\

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:39:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  14. @jimbo You're right. I've said things I regret on websites before, and have had people (unintentionally, more often than not) jarred by them. Nonetheless, I like to think I can look back and say, 'Hay, wish I had done that differently, I''m sorry I made that user feel that way'. Some ponies don't bother, it seems. So they don't change.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:32:07 UTC from web in context
  15. @jimbo I hate that... I've had it on previous sites I've been an active member on. Some mods are quite happy to cut comments and offer out bans... but they never want to take any direct rersponsibility for it.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:28:39 UTC from web in context
  16. @jimbo Sounds like a troll. I don't know why ponies do it. I really did (and still do) hold out hope that this fandom represented a move beyond that kind of creepy, alienating kind of thing.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:26:40 UTC from web in context
  17. @jimbo Holy dole, in what conversation don't you feel victimized? There was a friendly conversation going on in there and you bust in cursing and insulting people, and somehow trying to play the victim too?!?

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:26:05 UTC from web in context
  18. @jimbo Oh my.. Wish I had been there now XD

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:24:43 UTC from web in context
  19. @jimbo Oh dear lord.. That sounds like a conversation I would manage to get in.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:22:33 UTC from web in context
  20. @jimbo Sounds like a interesting conversation indeed.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:16:57 UTC from web in context
  21. @jimbo ...what the?! Who... hmm... well, I hope it is not a frequent occurrence for you on here.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:16:05 UTC from web in context
  22. @jimbo That's annoying. Seems like an attempt to stop the crap by being 'non-interventionist', while not helping anything in the process.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:13:53 UTC from web in context
  23. @jimbo Well, you won't find that here so don't worry.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:12:27 UTC from web in context
  24. @jimbo That there is.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:08:34 UTC from web in context
  25. @jimbo I hope they fall down the stairs! ; )

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:06:12 UTC from web in context
  26. @jimbo @mrdragon I've never really used it... maybe I should be glad of that.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:04:25 UTC from web in context
  27. @jimbo People still go to that site... I left ages ago when the drama really started.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 07:03:16 UTC from web in context
  28. @jimbo Lot's of excitement if it was boobs! BOOBS FOR EVERYONE!

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 06:32:06 UTC from web in context
  29. @jimbo I hope you don't mean all of us... I'd hate to be lumped in with the rest of the brainless louts and I'm sure a few others here would feel the same way.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 06:29:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  30. @jimbo Not all of us! Just the ones on Ponychan! And every other image board..... You know what? Screw image boards!

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 06:29:22 UTC from web in context