Jules's home timeline


  1. this frame took five minutes to render and it ain’t even from a finished environment, that’s two hours a second, can you believe it? http://rainbowdash.net/url/875749

    Saturday, 16-Jan-21 09:00:41 UTC from web
  2. Michael Bay’s new movie is about a bizarro alternate universe where the US government is mishandling a pandemic, but I did the math and I’m 95% certain the virus would have died out by killing all of its hosts too fast to find new ones under the conditions portrayed in the film.

    Thursday, 14-Jan-21 10:23:44 UTC from web
  3. . http://rainbowdash.net/url/875745

    Sunday, 10-Jan-21 19:13:32 UTC from web
  4. One day I’ll have to answer for a few of the people I used to associate with and I can’t really think of anything better than “I had bad character judgement skills when I was 19”

    Sunday, 10-Jan-21 01:44:52 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation I mean, I really don't see (especially after time has passed) why people can't accept "saw what they were, told them to split/split myself." The whole "Crap the uprising failed, uuhhhh Sowwy?" move is obviously weak, but I mean really! 19! NOBODY is good at 19!!

      Sunday, 10-Jan-21 02:30:05 UTC in context
    • @scribus The one I’m really worried about does backend stuff now for a certain wildly popular (especially with teenage American girls????) animated web series and I don’t wanna be the dickhole who sets that team back again so I’ve been thinking about getting in touch with the current show runner to let him know what I know so that it doesn’t bite ALL of us in the ass at some point in the future.

      Sunday, 10-Jan-21 02:44:40 UTC in context
  5. So you can imagine how I, someone who lives twenty minutes from where that all went down, wish I had worn brown pants today.

    Thursday, 07-Jan-21 09:40:25 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation That was a hell of a thing

      Thursday, 07-Jan-21 18:48:06 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation Also, not sure the miles to minutes ratio outside of CA, but damn dude

      Thursday, 07-Jan-21 20:59:07 UTC in context
    • @scribus honestly, it's twenty minutes to get to the metro station which takes me into the district proper, longer if you try to drive into the district. I live really, really close to the city BUT there's pretty much only one bridge going into and out of the city on the Virginia side, not sure if it's the same story in Maryland. And traffic on that bridge is always, always terrible. I used to drive into Alexandria once a week for school - Alexandria being one of the two cities that borders Washington on this side of the river - and even THAT is a complete nightmare. Definitely not as bad as going from, say, Glendale to Los Angeles, based on photos I've seen, but still pretty bad.

      Thursday, 07-Jan-21 21:39:44 UTC in context
  6. Don’t worry/I’m sorry, I didn’t die in the mass shooting that just happened here

    Sunday, 03-Jan-21 00:39:32 UTC from web
  7. Back to the Future’s most egregious presumption was that Marty McFly would need entirely different money to buy things in 2015, as if money from 1985 would be no good thirty years later.

    Tuesday, 29-Dec-20 00:01:37 UTC from web
  8. Any conspiracy theorists here who believe this who Covid-19 thing is a contrived event?

    Saturday, 26-Dec-20 20:46:30 UTC from web
  9. Man animating Among Us characters is kiwiin easy, I wish I coulda done this instead of ponies and skeletons

    Tuesday, 22-Dec-20 22:58:27 UTC from web
  10. Increasingly difficult to write letters to politicians when you aren't allowed to say "kill yourself"

    Saturday, 05-Dec-20 17:16:57 UTC from web
  11. it is time to discuss the butt

    Friday, 27-Nov-20 16:56:48 UTC from web
  12. Rudy Giuliani saying that Trump “probably won” Virginia is making me question whether or not Rudy Giuliani’s head is on straight. http://rainbowdash.net/url/875696

    Thursday, 26-Nov-20 14:32:15 UTC from web
  13. The new Animaniacs series slaps.

    Sunday, 22-Nov-20 10:06:45 UTC from web
  14. Like wouldn’t it be fun to just place hundreds of cans of beans on this shelf and make my real-time render engine kill itself?

    Monday, 16-Nov-20 00:03:32 UTC from web
  15. if there was any doubt that I’m a tremendous papaya, my mind is currently on cinematic parallels between this election and the one depicted in Citizen Kane.

    Sunday, 01-Nov-20 23:30:36 UTC from web
  16. An actual-factual Pinkerton, huh?

    Sunday, 11-Oct-20 14:55:37 UTC from web
  17. Anyone with an opinion on my next undertaking? https://twitter.com/jlbesq/status/1314279634880479233?s=20

    Thursday, 08-Oct-20 19:24:15 UTC from web
  18. Mike Pence might be even more infuriating than Papa Spraytan

    Thursday, 08-Oct-20 02:30:58 UTC from web
  19. I keep thinking about going radio silent for a week, then killing myself when nobody cares that I've gone

    Saturday, 03-Oct-20 23:01:37 UTC from web
  20. For the self-reported healthiest and smartest (don't call him that) it's highly sus.

    Friday, 02-Oct-20 14:36:46 UTC from web
  21. Well, I got off the phone with some dork local politician. Told him four times now I'll never vote for him; might still, haven't looked into his positions. But, he needs to be punished for daring to spam me. E-mail, said "Leave me alone." So he calls, I say "Seriously, no." So he has some rando volunteer text me. Like I said, maybe he is the best guy for the job, but he's still an asshole and mango him for that!

    Saturday, 26-Sep-20 22:24:29 UTC from web
  22. Like not only did i find out who wore the pants in that relationship, I’m pretty sure I found out who wears the leash.

    Monday, 07-Sep-20 20:49:40 UTC from web
  23. So who are these people who are politically invested enough to watch the conventions, but have yet to decide how they'll vote in November?

    Thursday, 20-Aug-20 01:33:39 UTC from web
  24. I love when Dan Harmon says something mean about Trump and people start bringing up that time he humped a baby doll in a Channel 101 sketch ten years ago.

    Friday, 14-Aug-20 23:55:20 UTC from web
  25. The plan was to finish it and then sit on it until the announcement so that I could release it that night.

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-20 22:36:13 UTC from web
  26. “We will win at least a few states, some of them perhaps by decent margins!” -President Trump

    Friday, 07-Aug-20 21:19:53 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation 50% of white people, per Newsweek, :eyeroll:

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 04:58:00 UTC in context
    • @scribus eh, that's not exactly uncommon for a Republican, if anything it's a little low. McCain had 55% of whites in 2008, and he lost the election by a bigger margin than any candidate of the 21st century. No Democrat has carried the white vote since at least 1964, and maybe even before that, the data only goes back to 1976.

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 07:37:12 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation Yeah, but I'm not really concerned about the historicity of the GOP, though. This jackass may be lower than other old white jackasses have been, but when 50% can agree, even in a straw poll, with (vague sweeping arm gesture)? It's more the revelations about the national psyche than it is old stats and current prognostications. I just grew up inherently skeptical of The System, but still -- I used to be able to believe in People, as a whole. This administration has shattered my faith in anything other than entropy. I always kind of knew I was "Brown eyes watching from a White perspective," but the other white faces used to only sometimes let their hatred show. Now, they seem to be hiding even their former pretense of humanity in favor of letting their hate flag take full mast. And... damn, man. Just... damn. I want it over. And I'm almost ashamed of what I'd be willing to do to End it, capital-E.

      Saturday, 08-Aug-20 14:53:02 UTC in context
  27. And I feel bad, sometimes, because I say "religious nuts." I don't mean to say all religious folk are off in any way. I mean specifically to refer to the subset of religious people who take it to a nutty degree.

    Saturday, 01-Aug-20 22:50:51 UTC from web
  28. the president’s new “serious” leadership style lasted literally 24 hours, I’m dead

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-20 22:34:13 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation I think I missed the entire thing

      Thursday, 23-Jul-20 22:06:57 UTC in context
    • @scribus he gave a very “somber and serious” press conference where he refrained from blasting the media, and he stayed off of Twitter for about 48 hours where all he did was retweet campaign and White House statements and, in one instance, encourage the Senate to pass a bill that the leaders of both parties already publicly endorsed. His next press conference was, of course, a total appleshow. I imagine his new campaign manager was behind the changes and I imagine he’ll be fired very soon.

      Friday, 24-Jul-20 03:07:30 UTC in context
  29. there was an old person fight today and we had to call the police, and I’ve only been at work for half an hour

    Wednesday, 22-Jul-20 20:29:08 UTC from web
  30. I need a pack of non-filter cigarettes for a video shoot (no, seriously) and nobody in this damn hippy town sells them. >:C

    Tuesday, 21-Jul-20 19:14:58 UTC from web