Notices by Kadziet "Kazuhira" Yagami (kazuhira), page 5

  1. Everfree Radio is my hero my right now.

    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 01:39:18 UTC from web
  2. I thought Irish Cream would be different, but it's just like French Vanilla.

    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 01:36:47 UTC from web
  3. Whoops! Almost fell asleep.

    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 01:34:49 UTC from web
  4. Pinkie Pie looks good with her mane down. Cuter and kinda hot xD

    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 00:21:02 UTC from web
  5. @critialcloudkicker Goodnight! Dream of ponies!~ Me specifically xD

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:50:39 UTC from web in context
  6. Ima make some coffee.

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:49:06 UTC from web
  7. *Yawns loudly*

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:48:49 UTC from web
  8. I miss seeing the stars every night. The country was a good place to live.

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:41:36 UTC from web
  9. @critialcloudkicker I like you too :3

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:35:51 UTC from web in context
  10. @critialcloudkicker I'm kinda weird!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:33:17 UTC from web in context
  11. @mushi *boop boop boop* I like booping!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:33:06 UTC from web in context
  12. with ponies!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:32:43 UTC from web
  13. I am in love!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:32:32 UTC from web
  14. @mushi :3 *boops*

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:31:36 UTC from web in context
  15. @critialcloudkicker That's kinda weird xD

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:31:22 UTC from web in context
  16. @critialcloudkicker Yup, but I can pay it though :3

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:31:04 UTC from web in context
  17. @critialcloudkicker All ponies are cute :3

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:29:24 UTC from web in context
  18. @mushi And I like you :D

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:28:12 UTC from web in context
  19. @critialcloudkicker Yup! I'm being wary of my data usage as my last bill was $641.01

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:28:05 UTC from web in context
  20. @mushi I like ponies :P

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:26:11 UTC from web in context
  21. @critialcloudkicker Yeah, but that's not that only thing :P I'm still using my phone as a wireless internet hotspot. Downloading uses a lot of data

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:26:02 UTC from web in context
  22. @mushi I like you :3

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:23:54 UTC from web in context
  23. @welcomepony Oh baby~

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:23:39 UTC from web in context
  24. @critialcloudkicker I gotta redownload it, but I don't have enough space on my HDD right now ^-^;

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:23:29 UTC from web in context
  25. @critialcloudkicker Borderlands!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:22:15 UTC from web in context
  26. @mushi Hay hay! I like hay!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:21:57 UTC from web in context
  27. @randomwonderbolt I prefer Twidash. Only because I like smart people :P

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:21:47 UTC from web
  28. Heyo!!!

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 23:20:09 UTC from web in context
  29. Welp, gotta clean up the apartment! But ima download some music first. I want a good playlist for this.

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 19:25:32 UTC from web
  30. @scoot German is a scary enough language as it is! Though it was entirely justified. I need to learn another language so I can threaten people too.

    Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 19:25:09 UTC from web in context