Replies to klayking, page 4

  1. !yorkshirebronies @klayking Yes. I'm in, as always :P

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 21:23:44 UTC from web
  2. @klayking !yorkshirebronies That'd be great, I know where a LaserZone is in Bradford we could go to, plus the train fare would be cheaper (at lest for me, anyway)

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 19:06:57 UTC from web in context
  3. @klayking

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 16:58:25 UTC from web in context
  4. @klayking Yes!!!

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 16:16:06 UTC from web in context
  5. @klayking I was going to write a lot of text.... but I'll just second everything @trister just said, that idea is neato!

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:14:52 UTC from web in context
  6. !yorkshire @klayking Iam up for this idea too. As far as the plan for 'smaller' monthly meetups would go, I think keeping it like last month's would be best. Meet at the train station for 11ish, head off at 11:30 roughly, grab something to eat (that stretch of road seemed to have pretty much everything) then hand around for a little while. We could do another pony merch hunt if people don't mind the walk, and then head back to one of the squares to hang about. I have chalk now thanks to one of the Tylers from last meet, so we could ponify that big square. Official activities would end at around 5ish, but people could stay until whenever. Pretty much exactly the same as last meetup but with less actual planned activities and nowhere reserved for us. Those left later could just head to a pub.

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:12:23 UTC from web in context
  7. @klayking that's awesome

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 12:47:24 UTC from web in context
  8. @klayking !yorkshirebronies Yeah I'd be up for that!

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 10:42:37 UTC from web in context
  9. @klayking I'm game for that mini meet idea.

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 01:03:42 UTC from web in context
  10. !yorkshire @klayking I wouldn't be able to make that one unfortunately. I say you go for it though, always good to meet more bronies. I have the middlesbrough meetup in less than two weeks anyway so I'm sorted

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 23:28:28 UTC from web in context
  11. !yorkshirebronies @klayking you can also count me in, if you're doing it at a weekend!

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 23:10:11 UTC from web
  12. @klayking Boy mangoes son! I'm in nottingham this saturday so that would make for like.... one too many meetups to handle!.......It'd be fun though...

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 23:02:06 UTC from web in context
  13. !yorkshirebronies @Klayking I'm in :P

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 23:00:45 UTC from web
  14. @klayking Yes, that pic is on photobucket, it isn't exactly suitable for this site though. People can message me about it if they want though

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 21:04:55 UTC from web in context
  15. @scribble awesome, do you have some way I can e-mail you or something with the questions I used in the quiz? @klayking provided me with a bunch, some of which are unused, so I should be able to send all of them too

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 15:33:53 UTC from web in context
  16. @klayking Haha NO WAY! :'D

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 16:27:15 UTC from web in context
  17. @klayking My favourite part is in the extended information; take a look at the list of background ponies. :D

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 11:48:43 UTC from IdentiCurse in context
  18. @klayking I'll take a Tank Commander Cheerilee!

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 11:47:41 UTC from web in context
  19. @klayking Same,

    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 11:16:59 UTC from web in context
  20. @klayking IF ONLY, my friend, IF ONLY.

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 20:12:22 UTC from web in context
  21. @klayking haha seems legit

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 19:52:59 UTC from web in context
  22. !yorkshirebronies @klayking

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 18:47:21 UTC from web
  23. @klayking anypony an be shipped with anypony else... there are no rules stopping you from doing so

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 17:06:18 UTC from web in context
  24. !yorkshirebronies NOTHING, @klayking NOTHING.

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 13:48:02 UTC from web
  25. !yorkshirebronies @klayking You can shush! :')

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 11:10:00 UTC from web
  26. !yorkshirebronies @elscire well, well damn. But okay, I'll take it as a compliment! @klayking No I do not! D: And I guess I'm forever a derp :'3

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 11:03:19 UTC from web
  27. !yorkshire @klayking Found 'em :) City of Royals and Wall-eyed Postwoman

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 16:00:07 UTC from web in context
  28. !yorkshirebronies @tylertrister I DON'T WANT TO BE KNOWN FOR PORN DRAWINGS! @klayking Damn you. I swear it wasn't supposed to be you. >: | @elscire WHY DO YOU WANT A COPY!

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 14:47:29 UTC from web
  29. @klayking he was obsessively going through the bins...

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 14:41:55 UTC from web in context
  30. @klayking VERY minimal cost! Cost half as much as last time. If it wasnt for my dads birthday I'd have done my best to stay. pity. Also I got the best prize, strange that it was for 3rd place. Ha!

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 14:02:27 UTC from web in context