Hans Madsen's home timeline


  1. whats evy pony up tooooooooo nw?/

    Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:16:06 UTC from web
  2. Apple.

    Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:06:57 UTC from web
  3. have you guys ever wanted to see me ride? this is me riding my new mare dora ( i got her when we moved to CO) please watch! it would mean a lot! its only like a minute! thanks!

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 02:10:00 UTC from web
  4. have you guys ever wanted to see me ride? this is me riding my new mare dora ( i got her when we moved to CO) please watch! it would mean a lot! its only like a minute! thanks! http://youtu.be/MXoeG3mXos4

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 02:41:38 UTC from web
  5. Hey # i'm back.....

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 02:35:37 UTC from web
  6. hay ponies! long time no talk!

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 03:53:55 UTC from web
  7. hello? anypony there?

    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:45:48 UTC from web
  8. hey guys..

    Saturday, 23-Jun-12 23:43:02 UTC from web
  9. People think different about my OC, somepony said: "Anyway, this is Enfyulfur's OC, I quite like it. Nice color balance, simple hair style; Anyway." But another pony said: "Crazy colors for a OC if you ask me xD crazy colors that hurt my eyes xD" So.. xD

    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:50:13 UTC from web
  10. @woona ttfn

    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:52:31 UTC from web
    • @comradeconventrix i found these on e-bay http://ur1.ca/9k7nv

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:50:58 UTC from web
    • I must go do things! Back in a bit.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:49:45 UTC from web

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:49:45 UTC from web
      • Hay! anypony up for skype? i finally think i got my mic to work!

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 21:42:52 UTC from web
        • @dlcentaur I'm not going to try that.

          Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 15:40:53 UTC from web
        • @woona hay! im good! tired tho. u?

          Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 15:50:22 UTC from web
        • Morning My Little Ponies! http://ur1.ca/9j3c8

          Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 15:45:02 UTC from web
        • hay ponies! i havent been on for a while! hows everypony?

          Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 15:45:58 UTC from web
        • hay ponies! im back!

          Monday, 11-Jun-12 15:44:57 UTC from web
          • hay ponies! long time no talk! hows everypony

            Monday, 11-Jun-12 04:57:04 UTC from web
          • gotta go clean ponies. ill be back later! i promise! ttfn

            Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:56:24 UTC from web
            • i need to find Bronies on Long Island...so bored -_-

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:54:18 UTC from web
            • Ok i have a rodeo friday..buck skin chaps? Or rawhid chaps?

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:51:57 UTC from web
            • Well, time for a nap.

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:54:01 UTC from web
            • hay ponies! long time no talk! I haven't been on for a coupla days

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:31:54 UTC from web
            • @greydragon412 draw something with pinkie pie!

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:53:30 UTC from web
            • I'm off. Idk why I was here. Don't feel like talking and was barely getting talked to anyway. Haha

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:45:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • I demand a time machine to visit the age of apocalypse

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:49:00 UTC from web

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:41:11 UTC from web
            • @hayseed lol now u can chillax all day!

              Tuesday, 29-May-12 21:43:36 UTC from web