Weenie Wanga Langa Genghis Khan (flaxx)'s status on Monday, 16-May-11 22:04:51 UTC

  1. @retl You mean I should learn both Sai and Inkscape AND keep using GIMP? @crossbone Ah. To be completely honest, I'm not sure. During the summers I think the sun goes down at around 8 or 9 or perhaps 10 in the evening, and goes up around 6 or 7. During the winter though, it starts going down at between 3 or perhaps 5 in the afternoon And it's usually pitch black outside at 7. And I don't think it gets up again till 9 or something the next morning. I may be a few hours off at some points though, 'cause I don't pay much attention to that. :/

    Monday, 16-May-11 22:04:51 UTC from web in context