Chris Bell (mrdragon)'s status on Thursday, 08-Mar-12 15:22:15 UTC

  1. @cabal was out shopping there, right. I have a average/good understanding of both pho and mysql, I am still learning Linux however I've not blown anything up yet so by my experience that's a good thing. I was wanting to go with the original plan that was in the works a while ago. You were going to give the site to @ceruleanspark and then he asked me if I had the ability to let him host it on my hardware. Which I agreed to, with his professional skills in all the needed areas I think this to be the best option on hoof. He runs it and I keep the hardware going. By payments I expect you mean that I can pay for my own server, if so yes, its £72.00 a month and situated in a professional datacentre by my company rapidswitch.

    Thursday, 08-Mar-12 15:22:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context