Katy Brown (cavatina)'s status on Friday, 09-Mar-12 09:24:33 UTC

  1. @toksyuryel I actually fell away from the fandom mostly, (the core of it), you posssibly noticed that....the only furs i still spoke to, i spoke to back when i first chose to dive into the community in 2009, 4 years after being in the fandom it was. I have about ...15 fur friends, and they were my friends not because i was furry and stuff...the shallowness of the fandom, using "Being Furry" as a reason to be friends was one of the things that got to me....at least here, you arent insta-buddies cause you both watch MLP for example~

    Friday, 09-Mar-12 09:24:33 UTC from web in context