Pony (pony)'s status on Friday, 09-Mar-12 09:56:07 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark That's an error many of our prouder fans make, I admit, but that's not what i'm getting at. (Of course i want to believe we're important, but i have no need of Hasbro's acknowledgment to enjoy the show.) I think the show's success appealing to girls is high as well, but if none of those girls' parents (whom I'll argue might, in some cases, be considered bronies/pegasisters) supported the show, then I doubt nearly as many girls would be watching it, or at the very least they wouldn't want to buy related toys for their kids, and, consequently, MLP might not have even gotten a second season so that girls wouldn't be inspired by its message, etc.. Maybe you're right about our patronage not having much impact, and maybe not. Maybe I should look more at brony parents...

    Friday, 09-Mar-12 09:56:07 UTC from web in context