RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) (redenchilada)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 01:19:54 UTC

  1. @conventrix Ok, time for an impromptu Java coding lesson! System is Java's class (a class is something that holds methods, which I'll explain) for basic functions, such as closing a program and other things. out is System's subclass that handles writing things to the console (that window with the words telling you what happens). println is a method (a set of instructions) telling the machine to write the argument, then go to the next line. The parenthesis hold arguments, which are things you tell the method so it works like you want it to. System.out.println wants a string, which is what is in quotation marks. The semicolon then tells Java you've finished writing the command, so it should either do what you say or die trying! # #

    Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 01:19:54 UTC from StatusNet Android in context