sb42 (sb42)'s status on Thursday, 22-Mar-12 07:32:29 UTC

  1. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese =O I haven't read it, but (sadly) I have heard the basic plot summary and (accidentally) read the part where Dash asks Pinkie if she can go home. Even that disgusts me. Excuse me, I have sonething in my eye... *mantears* Well, on a serious note, I do believe that part to be extremely sad; I felt torn when I first read it (and cursed the OP for not putting spoiler tags!!! Confound him!) But whenever I feel it's getting to me, I just print that pic, grab my huge stamp saying (NON-CANON) (I have learned it proves extremely useful, esp. With my friends who handwrite MLP fics. XD ohhh they never learn...), stamp it, shred it, then burn the remains. Then I bury the ashes in a radiation-proof led box stored 500000 ft underground in the Bermuda Triangle (yes that's why everything is creepy over there.)

    Thursday, 22-Mar-12 07:32:29 UTC from web in context