Crash (lightningcrash)'s status on Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 01:03:04 UTC

  1. @mrdragon Well let's see. Left Wednesday at 3 pm. Fell asleep on the bus ride at about 8. Woke the whole bus up at 1 am (That's a... story I'd rather share through pm). Got to New York City at 6 a.m. Got on the Today show, saw St. Patricks' Cathedral, ate, went 69 floors up on the Rockefeller center, toured NBC studios, and went out to eat again before some shopping and back to the hotel. Woke up at 7 a.m., back in the city by 9, saw the Statue of Liberty (It's really not that big), played my cello in a concert for random New Yorkers, went out and ate, did a mass shopping montage in Times Sqiare (I quadrupled my pony collection!!), then saw the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, and went home the next morning.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 01:03:04 UTC from web in context