That wierd guy next door (maverick)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:39 UTC

  1. @dezzierose Well, you should try to not take it too hard what ever bad thing he did/said. If he wants to be an kiwi like that, then let him be. You know that your good friends will support you with everything, and won't let him get in your way. You are you, and NO BODY can change that. If they dont like it, then they shouldnt be pressing their idea's upon someone else. (Some where here is what I was trying to say). I used to be depressed because I would always be laughed at, even with some of my friends be viewed as second. And one time, was decieved by my best friend. Was it hard? Of course. I was hurt and in tears for very long (arround a month, sorry but I am a tad over sensitive). In the end, I realized that most of the people that would make fun of me or deceive me is because they had a horrible life at home with their parents. This made me feel bad for those who said anything to me, because I understood then that it was because they couldn't vent their own sadness anywhere else

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:39 UTC from web in context