

  1. Someone please cheer me up.. :(

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:39:16 UTC from web
    1. @dezzierose

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:40:14 UTC from web
    2. @dezzierose What's the problem? :(

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:40:34 UTC from web
      1. @wafers I have no idea, that's the problem!

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:41:37 UTC from web
        1. @dezzierose You and me both. xD

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:41:59 UTC from web
          1. @minti And not in the good way either

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:44:56 UTC from web
        2. @dezzierose

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:43:05 UTC from web
          1. @wafers !hug thanks

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:45:32 UTC from web
    3. @dezzierose Uh, oh. something bad happen? Um, not sure how to cheer somepony up over the internet. :(

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:41:03 UTC from web
      1. @renovatedkitchen I've just been incredibly moody today.. Someone laughed today at something stupid I did and I would've normally just laughed it off, but now I'm seriously angry and want to hurt him. He's my friend too!

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:44:32 UTC from web
        1. @dezzierose # I'm sorry to hear. Maybe he doesn't know he hurt you like this? Have you tried telling him? I used to be laughed at for so many things, and most of the time today am the biggest Ditsy Doo I know. Don't know where I was going with this. But still, theres no reason to be moody or angry. If he's a real friend, he will understand how you feel if you tell him.

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:50:05 UTC from web
          1. @renovatedkitchen He's no real friend. I just like him on a normal degree and we don't fight quite as often.

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:57:34 UTC from web
            1. @dezzierose Well, you should try to not take it too hard what ever bad thing he did/said. If he wants to be an kiwi like that, then let him be. You know that your good friends will support you with everything, and won't let him get in your way. You are you, and NO BODY can change that. If they dont like it, then they shouldnt be pressing their idea's upon someone else. (Some where here is what I was trying to say). I used to be depressed because I would always be laughed at, even with some of my friends be viewed as second. And one time, was decieved by my best friend. Was it hard? Of course. I was hurt and in tears for very long (arround a month, sorry but I am a tad over sensitive). In the end, I realized that most of the people that would make fun of me or deceive me is because they had a horrible life at home with their parents. This made me feel bad for those who said anything to me, because I understood then that it was because they couldn't vent their own sadness anywhere else

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:39 UTC from web
              1. @renovatedkitchen and didn't know better of how to handle it.

                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:56 UTC from web
              2. @renovatedkitchen Don't you get it? V YBIR UVZ!

                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:14:41 UTC from web
                1. @dezzierose V YBIR UVZ? A what?

                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:16:31 UTC from web
    4. @dezzierose

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:41:32 UTC from web
      1. @nlghtmaremoon Fine.. !hug

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:43:04 UTC from web
    5. @dezzierose Don't know how, but here's some king zebra.

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:42:43 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse snort.. Ok

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:45:18 UTC from web
        1. @dezzierose how about a fine picture of Terry.

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:52:28 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse that's too cute. !saved

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:53:25 UTC from web
          2. @alargesmallhorse Terry is the best pony.

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:53:53 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Terry is eh pretty cool pony. Lets me listen to my ipod.

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:54:31 UTC from web
              1. @alargesmallhorse I do agree.

                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:55:53 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada @alargesmallhorse so much Scootaloo !ponyfolder++;

                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:57:45 UTC from web
                  1. @pony you must mean "Terry"

                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:59:13 UTC from web
                    1. @alargesmallhorse oh of course. Terry it is then!

                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:00:42 UTC from web
                      1. @pony Terry[b] is[/b] best tumblr, though

                        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:01:33 UTC from web
                        1. @alargesmallhorse @redenchilada Fillies, please! Everypony knows that Sweetie bests both Apple Bloom and Scoots!

                          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:02:47 UTC from web
                          1. @dlcentaur You're joking.

                            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:03:45 UTC from web
                            1. @redenchilada @alargesmallhorse The decision between Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom was close... for some reason, I never really "Fell in love" with Scootaloo. Don't get me wrong, I still think she's adorable, but not as cute as Sweetie :3

                              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:08:16 UTC from web
                              1. @dlcentaur Seriously, you need mental counseling.

                                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:09:16 UTC from web
                                1. @redenchilada Be that as it may, I still love my Sweetie.

                                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:10:09 UTC from web
                              2. @dlcentaur That's a funny way of saying "Sweetie is basement tier, scootaloo is high tier, and Applebloom is Celestia tier."

                                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:10:47 UTC from web
                                1. @alargesmallhorse You got that all backwards! Weird...

                                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:11:59 UTC from web
                                  1. @dlcentaur Please do me a favor and shut your face.

                                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:14:15 UTC from web
                                    1. @redenchilada You're the mod, you got it. ;P

                                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:14:45 UTC from web
                                  2. @dlcentaur Oh, I'd hate to be you right now, because I'm gonna elbow drop ya into oblivion for now recognizing best crusader.

                                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:15:31 UTC from web
                                    1. @alargesmallhorse Lol :D

                                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:18:00 UTC from web
                                2. @alargesmallhorse Sweetie Belle wins because voice crack!

                                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:12:41 UTC from web
                                  1. @pony I will admit, that is pretty adorable.

                                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:15:47 UTC from web
                                    1. @alargesmallhorse yush!

                                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:16:06 UTC from web
                          2. @dlcentaur The heck are you smoking?

                            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:03:46 UTC from web
                            1. @alargesmallhorse @redenchilada I am neither Joking nor Smoking (You made that too easy xD) SWEETIE BELLE FTW :P

                              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:05:14 UTC from web
                              1. @dlcentaur You need mental counseling.

                                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:51 UTC from web
                              2. @dlcentaur see this pony? [b][b]Miles[/b][/b] past your league, son.

                                Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:09:22 UTC from web
                                1. @alargesmallhorse If I associated Applebloom with the Sonic franchise, would it lessen your opinion of her? c:

                                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:10:33 UTC from web
                                  1. @redenchilada I'm actually curious as to how you do, but no. It may lessen my opinion of you, but that's neither here nor there.

                                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:12:04 UTC from web
                        2. @alargesmallhorse I'll have to check it out some time

                          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:04:17 UTC from web
                          1. @pony

                            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:07:42 UTC from web
                            1. @alargesmallhorse sweet!

                              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:08:49 UTC from web
                2. @redenchilada of course she's not on Applebloom-levels, but...

                  Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:00:15 UTC from web
                  1. @alargesmallhorse >implying Applebloom could ever be better

                    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:01:13 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada *pfft* [i]puh-lease[/i]

                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:02:34 UTC from web
          3. @alargesmallhorse Terry.. What?

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 02:56:39 UTC from web
            1. @dezzierose I think it's in this comic, if not, it's in another.

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:00:47 UTC from web
    6. @dezzierose This always cheers me up

      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:06:35 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel Pinkie and Fluttershy are the best cheer-me-up characters!

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:08:02 UTC from web
        1. @pony Some days I like to believe that Pinkie Pie will break through the fourth wall and save us all.

          Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:09:25 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel yes!

            Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:09:56 UTC from web
      2. @toksyuryel Thanks

        Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:16:01 UTC from web