Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Sunday, 29-Apr-12 04:00:05 UTC

  1. [b]Story: The Empty Room (Updated Complete!)[/b]: [Grimdark][Adventure][Sad][ROLLERCOASTER] I was saddened, terrified, and fascinated all in the same chapter. More, please! -Pre-reader # Author: Wanderer D Description: Luna feels something weird when walking through Canterlot and finally, with Celestia's help, manages to discover what it is. But what does it mean?All Chapters After the Break >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/story-empty-room.html http://ur1.ca/94pmi

    Sunday, 29-Apr-12 04:00:05 UTC from Sethisto