Gherkin ☑️ (thelastgherkin)'s status on Saturday, 05-May-12 10:16:32 UTC

  1. Fandom: "Episodes must take place on the day they are aired. 'A Friend in Deed' takes place on Feb 18th, and Pinkie says her birthday is in 75 days, so her birthday must be on May 3rd." Me: "But if the episodes take place on the day they are aired, Pinkie's birthday was already in 'Party of One' on April 29." Fandom: "You are dumb for assuming that episodes must take place on the day they air." Me: "But I don't! I assume non-linearity!" Fandom: "Non-linearity is also dumb."

    Saturday, 05-May-12 10:16:32 UTC from web in context