Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Sunday, 29-May-11 15:26:35 UTC

  1. @twilight what is >W> ? ... also... mac ? if you like puzzles I'd be encouraging you to try Ubuntu first, the learning curve is quite on the same level, it wont make you an I-freak ( although owning a mac doenst make you an I-freak, just suspeccable to it ) ... oh and if you dont like puzzles I'd still say the same thing :) and best of all, you can use the machine you are on RIGHT NOW :D ( ofcourse there are hardware compattibility issues on the horizon... and for mac you just pay like twice the price for whatever you need, but it works out of the box )

    Sunday, 29-May-11 15:26:35 UTC from web in context