A Big Pony (bigpony)'s status on Monday, 14-May-12 08:50:08 UTC

  1. @renovatedkitchen I don't necessarily disagree with it, but I'm not really against it. I just can't sympathize. I guess I'm the same way, but I don't like doing it in public. if people are desperate enough to complain about a problem and seek emotional help, they can ask people instead f burdening other people with forced sympathy. I am glad to help people and have helped dozens of people out of the roughest of spots in their lives, but they've all pretty much had the common courtesy not to do it in public. I think it's a fear of not being able to help everyone and exposing a failure that scares me about the concept.

    Monday, 14-May-12 08:50:08 UTC from web in context