Chris Bell (mrdragon)'s status on Saturday, 02-Jun-12 01:56:02 UTC

  1. @wiipon3 I prefer to think about it like this, I'm sick of the fandom being a cult. We force things on other outside of the fandom and stick our noses in honestly many places we just do not belong. We shouldn't 'force' this idiotic ideology of love and tolerate on to people who don't watch the show. The other part is that a good half is not a lot more are just bandwagoning on this fandom, the moment it starts to die down or something 'better' comes alone they will jump ship and sod off. I've been in over a year and I've seen more then enough of my share of reasons why we are actually hated so much.

    Saturday, 02-Jun-12 01:56:02 UTC from web in context