Omni (omni)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 08:26:13 UTC

  1. @danielmikaelson I am against porn as well, but especially because of that I don't threat different kinds of adult content differently, I simply dislike them all. To me, your statement sounds awfully similar to something like "I hate marriages, therefore gays should not be allowed to marry" (please note that I am not implying you to be for or against gay marriage, as I do not know your opinion on that). At any rate, for me, it's a simple case of "they can do as they want as long as they don't shove it into my face". That I don't like it doesn't mean they can't enjoy it, especially with something this harmless.

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 08:26:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context