The white void (hakupony)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jun-12 13:14:53 UTC

  1. @scribble It's not your fault and i know you meant good. The point is that there is one thing about myself you propably do not know: I know myself enough what would happen if I dared to feel like that again. I propably would fall for you (which I didn't, so don't worry) which couldn't possibly come to a positive conclusion. It is irrational, it is even stupid and luckily, it kind of is inactive. The only current effect of it is that i look up to you and that it hurts if you tell me I deserved a relationship. I'm still hesitating to ost this but since I'm just in the middle of my mental strip show (I still can't believe I'm doing this) I'll say that as well. I just hope, it dos not make you feel unconfortable.

    Sunday, 17-Jun-12 13:14:53 UTC from web in context