The white void (hakupony)'s status on Saturday, 23-Jun-12 00:44:43 UTC

  1. @renovatedkitchen You see - I don't believe in a God but you do. I'll use the language of religion because of that. "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you… If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." - John 13-17. It makes sense because how should you be happy if you don't accept joy - if you just run away? You are not as weak as you make yourself out to be. You know deep in your heart that you want to be of some use and that youdon't want people to suffer. Mental diseases are a easy way to excuse not doing something about your situation. I believe that you have the power because you made up your will in one thing that is so much harder - to be willing to lose yourself for others. You have that strength.

    Saturday, 23-Jun-12 00:44:43 UTC from web in context