Steve D. (delc17)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 00:09:03 UTC

  1. @ristar Hey, I am who I am. I like ponies and I don't hide it. Ask anyone who went to the NY meet. look at the first popular notice. This is who I am. I'm no fake, and this isn't for attention. I'm just me, and that's all I know how to be. So let them come and tell me what they think i need to do, or need to be. It won't change me. Might make me think, but that's it. If I change who I am, then I stop believing in myself, I stop being myself, and I become something I don't wanna be. And I don't wanna know that guy, and I'm sure you all don't either.

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 00:09:03 UTC from web in context