Pony (pony)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 21:46:57 UTC

  1. @foxgopher all right!! Let's do this!! http://ur1.ca/9s0cp Now here's the 'sitch' (KP).. The full safe ponibooru torrent should be finished downloading by the middle of next week on my laptop. My current !ponyfolder is very small in comparison, but you're welcome to download it here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/70220925/MLP%20FiM.zip Also, there's this torrent: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6492897/26_000_pictures_of_ponys with most of the R34 sorted into a conveniently delete-able folder. And, if you don't want the full safe ponibooru torrent, which is roughly 89GB, you can download the high-rated "select" collection from ponibooru no problem (unlike the full which requires Linux). Links to all the ponibooru torrents are here: http://www.ponibooru.org/endofanera.html Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to wait on me finishing the ponibooru torrent I'll keep you informed. Best of luck friend!

    Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 21:46:57 UTC from web in context