RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) (redenchilada)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 06:56:16 UTC

  1. @widget Honestly, this is a big reason Windows is successful. It comes pre-installed on almost any computer you can get and people will use what's on the computer they buy. If you people want Linux to become more popular, the best way to do so is to get some companies involved and get more inexpensive computers into the market with it pre-installed. Provide a setup with something like WINE pre-installed, if that's viable, so the casual computer user can use the programs sitting on the shelf across from the computer aisle. Y'all can develop your open standards and such all you want, but if the mainstream doesn't know about it, it's not going to have a chance to get away from "Microsoft's tyranny". (This has been an ignorance-filled soapbox rant from yours truly.)

    Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 06:56:16 UTC from web in context